Hello and welcome to The Moving Curve. I’m Rukmini, a data journalist based in Chennai. Every night on this mini-cast, I consider one question around the novel coronavirus epidemic in India. Tonight I’m considering this one — where do we stand now?
The Integrated Disease Surveillance Report that first mentioned a covid-19 case: https://idsp.nic.in/WriteReadData/l892s/91997163121586426717.pdf
Some of the data mentioned in the podcast is in a piece I did for India Today here: https://www.indiatoday.in/diu/story/100-days-of-coronavirus-how-india-fared-compared-to-other-countries-the-way-ahead-1675889-2020-05-08
The Hindu report on the first covid-19 case: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/indias-first-coronavirus-infection-confirmed-in-kerala/article30691004.ece
AIIMS director Dr Randeep Guleria saying yesterday that cases may peak in June-July: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/aiims-chief-warns-covid-19-pandemic-yet-to-peak-in-india/story-GwwcrYHp1M4DDFt2iFWTDP.html
Thank you for listening. This episode was edited by Anand Krishnamoorthi. Tomorrow — a new question.